

9.August 2021

Dual Education GmbH becomes Dualoo AG

By |Monday, 9. August 2021|Uncategorized|

6.5 years after the foundation we dare the next step: Dual Education GmbH was transformed into Dualoo AG. The name of our E-Recruiting software "Dualoo", which is completely natural [...]

3.June 2021

Get to know STEM professions

By |Thursday, 3. June 2021|Uncategorized|

Experience STEM professions up close and ask questions. This is made possible by the "filMINT" project of Smartfeld and the IT education campaign. Children and young people from the [...]

3.June 2021

Dualoo General Assembly 2021

By |Thursday, 3. June 2021|Uncategorized|

The 7th General Assembly of Dualoo took place in mid-May. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we were able to look back on a successful 2020. After the [...]

5.March 2021

We have moved!

By |Friday, 5. March 2021|Uncategorized|

At the beginning of the year we moved into our first office in the innovation center "Startfeld". Startfeld is the network for innovation and start-ups around Säntis. Whether founders, [...]

21.January 2021

Dualoo in the Thurbo employee magazine

By |Thursday, 21. January 2021|Uncategorized|

Thurbo keeps its employees up to date with the internal magazine "Zugluft". In December (issue 2020/56), it featured an article on Thurbo's new recruitment tool: Dualoo. We are pleased [...]