Thurbo keeps its employees up to date with the internal magazine “Zugluft”. In December (issue 2020/56), it featured an article on Thurbo’s new recruitment tool: Dualoo. We are pleased to count Thurbo among our customers. Find out why Thurbo chose Dualoo and what is important when recruiting train drivers.
How does the HR team manage the recruitment of 28 trainee locomotive drivers?
After you could read in the last issue of Zugluft how to become a train driver at Thurbo, today we give you an insight into the work of the HR team in recruiting. A total of 28 positions for future train drivers are to be filled for two training classes in 2021. We need and expect a lot of applications, which we have to check and edit carefully. Our most important goal is to recruit suitable and long-term motivated employees for Thurbo and the locomotive driving profession.
A well-coordinated and transparent recruitment process is highly appreciated by candidates and contributes to the positive external image of Thurbo. To provide technical support, we evaluated an applicant tracking system before the start of the recruitment phase that could clearly map the multi-part, complex process and enable secure, rapid processing by the HR team.
It quickly became clear to us that we wanted to work with a tool that was quick to deploy, user-friendly, simple and fit for purpose. The product we have chosen, DUALOO, was developed by a young team from the company Dual Education GMbH in Goldach and is specially tailored to the needs of SMEs. It can map the entire recruitment process, from job posting to application receipt to assessment functions and correspondence with candidates. Interested parties can find out about our vacancies on our website, via career portals such as, and via social media, and submit their application dossier digitally at the touch of a button.
We involve line managers directly in the recruiting process and assign applications that meet our requirements to them for review and rating. The tool has operation-specific text templates as well as report and analysis functions. Since routine administrative work has been eliminated, processing times are significantly shorter than before. In addition, documents can be compared and preselected more quickly. This gives the HR team time to prepare optimally for the personal contacts and interviews with the candidates. Even if applications can be compared better with the help of an applicant tracking system – even the best software cannot find the optimal applicant. In addition to our psychological test procedures, this always requires knowledge of human nature and a good gut feeling.
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