social media recruiting

In social media recruiting, candidates are recruited via social medias such as e.g. Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. The job advertisement can thereby have a large range and this partly even free of charge. Find out here what options are available in social media recruiting and what to look out for.

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Social Media Recruiting

Definition social media recruiting

Social media recruiting (or social recruiting and social hiring) includes all measures in the area of personnel marketing that are carried out via social networks. On the one hand, this includes posting job advertisements or active sourcing. On the other hand, it is also important not to forget to build up a positive reputation as an employer.

In Switzerland, LinkedIn and Xing are among the best-known professional platforms. However, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok should also be considered. Among the younger generations, Insta and, increasingly, TikTok are among the preferred platforms.

For more information on paid job ads or active sourcing on career networks like Xing or LinkedIn, click here:

Advantages social media recruiting

Your company and employees who like the post have a suitable network. This allows you to reach the desired target group free of charge.

You can also use paid job ads (e.g. on LinkedIn) to define exactly which group of people this post should be displayed to.

Posts in your own feed (or the company’s) are free. On LinkedIn, one open job posting is free of charge. You can thus gain initial experience even without a budget.

The bigger your network is and the more your post is liked, the more people get to see it. The reach can be further increased with paid posts or job ads.

On social media, you can also reach candidates who are not actively looking for a new job. Passive job advertisements seekers typically do not read job advertisements. Thus, they cannot be picked up via the classic job platforms. However, there is always interest in changing jobs when the right offer comes along – for example, on social media.

Thanks to the large amount of data published on social media, recruiters can also actively search for candidates. Here we are in the realm of active sourcing. Especially in career networks such as Xing and LinkedIn, the CV included gives a good note of the candidate’s suitability. In this way, potential applicants can be made aware of the vacancy directly and personally.

Vorteile Social Media Recruiting
Tipps und Tricks Social Media Recruiting

Tips / Tricks for social media recruiting

First, think about who your target audience is. What platforms do they use? How would they like to be addressed? What is important to them? This may also vary depending on the job. You’ll likely encounter your future senior project manager on different social media than your potential apprentice. Based on these considerations, you can then decide on the right platform and also align the content of your posts to it.

Each platform has its own peculiarities. One works only with images, with the other hashtags are important and with still others job advertisements can be advertised directly. Depending on which platforms you are active on, your actions and posts should also be structured differently.

Keep your business profile and the company’s profile up to date on the chosen platforms. In addition to always having the latest data and appropriate photos, you should also regularly publish news. Successful apprenticeship graduations, new employees and awards received, e.g. in the area of employer attractiveness, are possible contents. But also general information about the company or the industry can be useful for your followers. With each post, you should ask yourself if this is something your network is really interested in.

Encourage your employees to share and like your post. This way, you also leverage their networks and expand your reach. Or ask your employees to contribute exciting articles. For example, great successes from a team can also be celebrated with the network.

If you are already using or evaluating an recruiting software, consider the following: It should be possible to post or link to new job postings on your social media channels. In this way, you keep the acquisition effort as low as possible.

As in all areas, it is advisable to measure success. What worked? Which content with which images was liked? Through which platforms do the most or even the best applications come in?

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