Personality analysis in the application process – very easy with Dualoo

Want to learn more about your candidates than CV information? Do you want to find out what soft skills and personality traits your potential employees bring to the table? Then integrate a personality analysis into your application process. Register now and test directly.

  • Invitations by e-mail
  • Online test execution
  • Test provider independent
  • Ready to go in 5 minutes

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Personality analysis in the application process

Personality traits are becoming increasingly important in recruitment or personnel development processes. Personality, along with cognitive skills and methodological competencies, is largely responsible for professional success.

Personality analyses are therefore often used in personnel selection to better assess the suitability of candidates. This completes the image the candidates with their soft skills and personality traits. Personality tests come in handy especially as preparation for a second interview or as part of a trial work.

Three women after personality analysis

Woman holding leaf paper in front of face

What are personality analyses?

Personality analyses belong to the objective personality tests (OPT). This is because the tests exclude falsifications due to their structure and the subsequent test evaluation, i.e. they cannot be influenced by the candidate.

Many of the most common psychometric personality tests, are based on the Big Five personality model. In it, the following main dimensions of personality are examined:

  • Openness to experience (open-mindedness)
  • Conscientiousness (perfectionism)
  • Extraversion (sociability)
  • Compatibility (consideration)
  • Willingness to cooperate (empathy)
  • Neuroticism (emotional lability and vulnerability)

Personality analyses and assessmets in Dualoo

The modular structure of Dualoo makes it possible to easily store personality analyses or even an assessment as an additional process step in Dualoo. This means that tests can be integrated completely independently of the provider.

If the test can be performed online, you can send the link with the invitation to the candidates by e-mail thanks to stored templates. The results can be uploaded and evaluated based on individual criterias.

Personality analysis IdentyFi in Dualoo

In Dualoo we have integrated the personality analysis IdentyFi from the provider for you. This allows you to invite candidates directly by email with just one click and after the execution the results are automatically stored in Dualoo.

IdentyFi is a job-related Personality analysis for adults and there is also a variant specifically for apprentices. Behavior in concrete performance- and job-related situations is surveyed and the evaluation is carried out for six different personality dimensions with their respective facets.

Interface to IdentiFy is used at:

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