Make your job posting appealing

A job ad represents the company to the outside world and is an important part of your career site. It is also intended to arouse interest. There are various options for this. There are hardly any limits to creativity.

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Elements for the layout of job postings

An attractively designed job posting should arouse interest. Furthermore, it should at best stand out from job advertisements of other companies. This applies not only to the advertisement, but also to the company’s career page. Because after the first impression through the advertisement follows the visit of the website. The layout of the careers section and job advertisements should fit seamlessly into the corporate design.
Be sure to target the content to the audience. Young adults looking for apprenticeships have a very different idea of a “cool” job advertisement than, say, a senior controller.
Your career page, the job advertisement and the alignment with the target group is already a part of employer branding.

Possible elements for your job posting

Although fancy titles speak to your creativity, you should avoid those. Instead, think about what potential applicants are looking for. Studies have shown, for example, that job seekers often search by their professional title. Test different terms by typing them into a search engine. Job titles can also be optimized on an ongoing basis.

Think of gripping alternatives to the typical titles such as your tasks. How about “Your daily work routine at xx AG” or “The following you bring with you” instead of “Your profile”.

A chat on the careers page enables direct contact with applicants. However, be sure to operate this as well. Requests must be answered as quickly as possible, otherwise the candidate has already moved on to the next job page.

With the integration of a map tool (e.g. Google Maps), the potential route to work can be calculated directly. Best with the different options for bike, car or public transport.

Have you received an award as an employer or do you regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys in which you complete well? Then present those results succinctly in the advertisement or on the careers page.

Provide appropriate quotes from employees. These can be e.g. relate to the job, the team or the benefits of the company.

Why images are better processed by our brains and how images and videos can be used in job advertisement can be found in the section below.

More options for an appealing job advertisement

Often job advertisements are black on white with bullet points. How about displaying the company’s advantages with appropriate icons? Or to work with colored tiles?

In the past it was common to publish advertisements as PDF on the website. However, these are not displayed optimally on smartphones or tablets. Moreover, they are not SEO optimized. In order to be found by search engines as well, you should publish your ad in HTML format. Moreover, this format allows you to have more interactive elements (e.g. map for work routes).

Use your defined keywords in the meta description as well. Store other structured data about the job to make it easier for crawlers to find, such as salary expectations or terms of employment. Your marketing managers can help you with any questions you may have.

Get creative. How do other companies do it? Why did your employees apply to your ad at the time? What makes your company stand out? Where would you like to focus?

Design your job posting with images and videos

Our brain can process images more easily than text. In the case of an image, the meaning is unlocked in a few nanoseconds. In contrast, a text requires a longer and more complex thought process. In addition, the smartphone is steadily shortening our attention span, as less and less long texts need to be read. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement your job posting with images.

Design your job posting with video

Tip: Don’t use stock images, use images of your employees This will immediately make your job advertisement look more authentic.

If available, videos on the career page can also increase the effect. This makes it easier for the applicants to decide whether the company suits him or her or not. Accordingly, this ultimately reduces the cost of recruitment.

Tip: Don’t just use your company’s image video, but think about the target audience you want the video to address. Added value for the applicants is provided, for example, by information on the job or, in the case of apprenticeships, on the apprenticed profession. Statements from employees also increase identification with the company. In light of the ever-shortening attention span, your video should be no longer than two minutes.

Last but not least…

With all these ideas, it should not be forgotten that we often only cross-read content and absorb the most important aspects. Combined with the short attention span, you shouldn’t just implement all the ideas, but focus on all these possibilities. Take only the elements that suit you and adapt them to the company.

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